Protecting your family made easier.

Create a Will and keep it current as your life changes.

Start your Will for free

Not having a plan is

Not having

a plan is


Protect your family when you are gone.

Wealth should be transferred, not lost.

Start your Will for free

As your life changes, so should your Will.

BeyondWill helps individuals create a Will, updates your Will as life happens, and ensures your wishes are conveyed to your loves ones.

Provide special instructions to your loved ones
Choose who will take care of your children and/or pets
Plan how you want your assets to be shared
Decide who will get specific gifts, like money or belongings
Pick someone to manage your personal and financial matters
Protect those you love
Start your Will for free
Create with ease

BeyondWill's simple walk-throughs, plain language, and useful technology makes creating your Will fast.

For Advisors

Designed for simplicity in creating an estate plan, BeyondWill enables a deeper client relationship.

Sync information. Collaborate with your client. Provide bigger peace of mind.

Learn more